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The Golden Indie Music Awards

The Golden Indie Music Awards (Hereinafter the GIMAs) are music awards for original music with music composition at its core, encouraging musicians in Taiwan to show their diverse creativity. The awards are known for its three features: prioritizing Taiwanese music, prioritizing originality, and separating the categories by genres without considering languages. Since its launch in 2010, the GIMAs have nurtured music creators of all types in Taiwan and is an important international music award that represents the freedom, diversity ,and original creative energy of Taiwanese musicians.

Since the beginning, the GIMAs have been moving towards the goal of becoming “the gold standard for original music awards in Asia”, with numerous breakthroughs and innovations in its design of award categories. Apart from setting categories for songs and accepting digitally published music compositions, there are also awards for different music genres, including rock, folk, electronic, hip hop, jazz, R&B, and alternative, allowing the GIMAs to cover a wide range of music styles. In addition, to echo the development boom in live music performances, the best live performance and the best instrumentalist awards have been set up. To enhance the international appeal of this award, Best Asian Creative Artist Award was set up to be open to individuals or groups from any country or region excluding Taiwan. The entries are not restricted to Mandarin Chinese to promote global awareness of this award, encourage music creators and bands around the world to participate in the event, and connect pop music in Taiwan with the world.

The GIMAs hope to draw more works from international music creators in the future and to encourage those who dare to create and who enjoy and love the creative process on the road of music, as well as to inject energy into the overall pop music environment.

The Asia Rolling Music Festival

The Asia Rolling Music Festival was held in 2018 for the first time, with the chief hope that the festival would allow exchanges between local and overseas music creation, and reach the goal of becoming the iconic platform for music creation and communication in Asia. By inviting music creators in Taiwan and Asia for music performances, the Festival can reveal the unique music style and creative spirit of Taiwan.