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Best Live Performance Award

The following sessions offer free admission with tickets. While stocks last.
  • Ticket collection date: 10.07 (SAT.) starting from 12:00 PM.
  • Ticket Link:
  • PLACE: CORNER MAX Multi-Purpose Hall (1F., No. 102, Guangfu South Road, Da'an District, Taipei City)
  • DATE: 10.23(MON.)-10/24(TUE.)
  • LINE UP:
    10.23(MON.):Nominees-Go Go Machine Orchestra、Shao, Dai-Lun、Gummy B;Performing Artist - GIGO

    GO Go Machine Orchestra
    photo: Go Go Machine Orchestra Go Go Machine Orchestra 來自台灣,成立於2017年,是音樂與聲音藝術家包含鋼琴、打擊樂器、吉他、電子噪音與模組合成器所組成,音樂特色以極微主義為中心並融合多樣音樂元素之排列,解構與建構。目前團員為陳冠穎 (電吉他)、湯妮莉 (鋼琴)、王品心 (模組合成器)、葉庭均(打擊)。
    2019發行第一張專輯「Time」,先後入圍第九屆金音獎最佳現場演奏獎與第十屆金音獎最佳跨屆音樂專輯與最佳現場演奏獎,並於「Asia Rolling Music Festival」中演示了影像合成器與極簡搖滾的音樂之間的完美結合。同年受邀到法國,荷蘭,波蘭演出,為雷恩音樂節史上第一個演出,也是第一個受邀至美國知名電台 KEXP 錄製 live session 的台灣樂團。

    Shao, Dai-Lun
    photo: Shao, Dai-Lun 「變身」所代表的是超級英雄,更是時代的眼淚,每個人都應該做孩子們的英雄,為這個紛亂的年代加油打氣。所以,我們需要更多的光明與正義,用不倒翁的精神,守護一切!HENSHIN!

    Gummy B
    photo: Gummy B 日子從不打烊,不意味著燈永遠不滅。
    Gummy B用從容又富有穿透力的嗓音在錯綜複雜的都市叢林內穿梭,對這十來年間的自己喊話。
    Gummy B將歌聲縫進台北街景裡,每當人們迷惘,歌聲一遍遍揚起,直至迷霧散去,直至人們看見指引。即使敦南誠品熄了燈,在路程中陷入迷途,會萬般迷惘的人們,也仍能知返。

    photo: GIGO The lead vocalist and lyricist / composer of the metal band Flesh Juicer, nominated for Golden Indie Music Award Best Band, Best Rock Song, Best Live Performance, and the Independent Music Awards for Best Artist Appearance, and Best Heavy Metal Album. Influenced by Bossa Nova and Jazz, GIGO intends to create his own way with a unique genre, he invited the bassist(Flesh Juicer & KST), sionC (金毛), and the guitarist(Flesh Juicer), Zero (阿霖) — both as the producers to assist GIGO to create his own way of music. The first GIGO’s single, Wonder Demon was first released on December 24th, 2021; The album, SUPERNOVA was released on January 14, 2023.

    10.24(TUE.) : Nominees-A_Root、JADE、Aquaman;Performing Artist - L8ching

    photo: A_Root 關於愛的執念
    Everyone deserves a second chance.
    Holy Gazai,好咧加在。

    photo: JADE 歷經《NEMO》的無懼和《Snow White》的深沉內斂,兩度因疫情及颱風而取消的專場演唱會沒入時間的洪流裡,看似滅絕匿跡,實則隱身洗煉。2023年再次浮現,已然超脫實相形軀···這次我們風雨無阻,將這段旅程濃縮成一場完整的演出。是時候打開JADE說亮話,探究成軍四年累積的能量。

    photo: Aquaman 阿跨面在大嘻哈時代第二季中從兩千人海選突圍,在嚴峻殘酷的賽制一路奮力拼搏到最終決賽,第一次在容納五千人的大舞台上拿出最Dope的演出成功奪得冠軍!演出的作品也反映阿跨面自己參與比賽這一路來的心情。感謝嘻哈音樂讓他找到自己,參與比賽本身就在享受這個過程,希望用直白的歌詞,淺顯易懂的方式讓大家了解自己的創作。

    photo: L8ching Taipei based artist L8ching (pronounced “Lay-Ching") arrived at 2018, with his unique blend of old fashioned soul music and millennial pop grooves, he has cultivated a substantial following in the local scene since his music released. L8ching’s music, known for its combination of mixed Taiwanese and English lyrics and his powerful on-stage presence — playing drums while performing his songs has created an undeniably charismatic artist that has captivated fans from streaming platforms to international music festivals all over the world. In 2022, L8ching was nominated for The Best New Vocal in GIMA 13 (Golden Indie Music Award) and GMA 33 (Golden Music Award).